Aktuální články |
Novinky: 26. 3. ARAN SATAN + CARS & TRAINS - Nejstarší svět |
Inkvizice: 31. 5. Dominik Duka |
Nejchytřejší kecy: 11. 2. Laundered Syrup – Black Urn |
Scott McCloud a Klub 007 - to spojení má dlouhou historii. Před listopadovým koncertem Paramount Styles Solo (17. 11. spolu s Planetama) jsme si řekli, že se Scotta zeptáme na pár věcí, týkajících se Prahy, novýho alba Paramount Styles atd. Tady jsou Scottovy odpovědi.
...o tom, jaký má Scott první vzpomínky na Prahu a na Klub 007.
„It's all a bit romantic. Pardon that. I remember the first time Girls Against Boys played in Prague, in 1994. I'd taken an all night train to get there, and the whole experience was transformative and different from any other show on that tour to that point, I can't say why exactly. Perhaps because the cultural exchange between Prague and independent „American post punk“ still felt very vibrant and fresh at that time. The 007 was packed, so hot it was almost unbearable. During the set I announced that we had T-shirts for sale, just as a matter of fact, and a decent faction of the crowd began to shout ´We don't want your fucking capitalist American t-shirts! Play fucking music!´ and I knew this was my kind of place.“
...o tom, proč se Scott do Prahy rád vrací, proč tady natáčí třetí album Paramount Styles, a proč to trvá tak dlouho.
„Years later, Prague has continued to be a place I love to play and visit, and indeed I'm now in the middle of the long project of recording the 3rd proper Paramount Styles album in Prague. So, why does it take so long? And why record in Prague? I can't explain that. Not fully. It's probably just me. I've done something like 17 albums with various bands and projects, more or less, I can't remember, but nowadays I feel like its got to be something very special which sometimes takes some time needed just for living.“
...o snech a městech.
„Prague is a big city, full of darkness and splendor, it's still sort of mysterious to an American, even a long time Ex-pat like me. Prague inspires my imagination. Much as New York did in the 1990s. It's that simple. Although also inexplicable. I think dreams of cities inform our lives, and those images we have of places matter solely to us, very personally, as a way we grew up seeing the world and the people in it.“
...o 17. listopadu 2017 na 007.
„This show coming up on Nov 17 is about 10 days after my 49th birthday. I hope i will be playing in Prague on the day of my 50th birthday with the new Paramount Styles album finished and the whole amazing band with me. For now I hope you will join me, and Planety, a great Czech band, and the wonderful people of Silver Rocket for another show at the legendary Strahov 007. We'll see what new Paramount songs I have enough lyrics to present!“