Aktuální články |
Novinky: 8. 3. Red Torch - WYGO |
Inkvizice: 31. 5. Dominik Duka |
Nejchytřejší kecy: 11. 2. Laundered Syrup – Black Urn |
Počátky Timber Rattle sahají do roku 2009, kdy se ve studiu v Seattle potkali Adam Parks a Brian Markham, který se motali kolem kapel A Story of Rats', Land What Land a Ear Venom. Zjistili mimo jiné, že kromě muziky je spojuje i rodná hrouda - narodili se v Blue Ridge Mountains v jihozápadní Virginii jen několik mil od sebe. Hudbu ale spolu začali dělat až po přestěhování do New Yorku, kde Markham začal zároveň hrát s Ancient Sky. První deska Timber Rattle se jmenovala "Nature in Darkness", vyšla v roce 2010 a můžete si ji poslechnout TADY.
Adam Parks: "Most of the music on "Nature" was co-written/arranged with Brian and was recorded in a few days in a studio in Brooklyn. Since we were working with limited time, the record is inherently less layered, less detailed and rawer."
O rok pozdějc se Parks přesunul zpátky na Západní pobřeží a nahrál EP "The Embers Burn In Code," který si můžete poslechnou TADY.
Adam Parks: "I recorded most of "Embers" solo, after Brian and I ended up on opposite sides of the country, and it almost functions as a "B-Sides" record, comprising material that he and I had started working on, as well as some pre-Timber Rattle song ideas that seemed worth revisiting."
V roce 2013 přišla zatím asi nejlepší nahrávka "Phantoms Of Place", kterou si fakt poslechněte TADY.
Adam Parks: "Phantoms" ended up being the most cohesive group of recordings so far, largely because I wrote them independently and had relatively unlimited time to record them. The over-arching concept of the record was to expand the temporal scale of a vernacular/folk music (especially Appalachian-American) and superimpose more abstract/minimal sounds (drone, noise, chant, etc), sort of simultaneously juxtaposing and synthesizing a cultural and primordial influence."
Timber Rattle v současnosti tvoří kromě Parkse ještě Jarrell Puryear a Jonny Tunnell a měli by letos vydávat 7" na labelu Zen Hex. A proč se o nich tak blbě shánějí informace?
Adam Parks: "There are a few reasons that we don't have a lot of "online presence". First, I'm not interested in spending a lot of time on the computer/internet cultivating social media. Second, there is nothing about what is essential to the project that is well-represented by digital media. The music we have up online is the minimum that I felt we could get away with to easily/freely share the recordings in the interest of booking/promoting shows. But, as a big part of – and inspiration for – playing this music is the exploration of environment (especially the natural environment), the internet (as a sort of "non-place") is almost antithetical to everything we are interested in celebrating."
...a na závěr ještě pár slov o tom, proč moc nepoužívají slova.
Adam Parks: " The lyrics/vocals are pretty intentionally subdued, both because it allows them to function as an integrated part of the overall musical sound, and in an effort to avoid the "meaning" of this music being superseded by the meaning of the words. The power of language seems essentially uncontrollable, and I suppose presenting the vocal/lyrical elements in an only partially-intelligible way is a subtle effort to mitigate that power. I think the lyrics tend to explore conceptually the same things that the music does, but it is the sound of the voice and the act of singing that make the vocals indispensible, not what is being said."