Aktuální články |
Novinky: 8. 3. Red Torch - WYGO |
Inkvizice: 31. 5. Dominik Duka |
Nejchytřejší kecy: 11. 2. Laundered Syrup – Black Urn |
Scott McCloud a Sedmička – to je vztah, kterej trvá. Girls Against Boys tu hráli v roce 1994, Paramount Styles poprvé v roce 2008, Scott sólo v roce 2016 a Soulside loni. Koncert Paramount Styles Solo startuje koncertní sezonu Silver Rocket 2020/2021 právě na Sedmičce: datum je úterý 1. září. Jsme rádi, že jsou zpátky koncerty a teď i turné – Scott se v Česku objeví na pár dalších místech. A mimochodem: sledovali jste sérii coverů, který pouštěl do světa během karantény? Je to moc hezká sbírka: Lou Reed, Misfits, Hüsker Dü, R.E.M., Rites Of Spring, David Bowie atd…
A teď už má slovo Scott McCloud: „I remember the first time Girls Against Boys played in Prague, in 1994. I'd taken an all night train to get there, and the whole experience was transformative and different from any other show on that tour to that point, I can't say why exactly. Perhaps because the cultural exchange between Prague and independent ´American post punk´ still felt very vibrant and fresh at that time. The 007 was packed, so hot it was almost unbearable. During the set I announced that we had T-shirts for sale, just as a matter of fact, and a decent faction of the crowd began to shout ´We don't want your fucking capitalist American t-shirts! Play fucking music!´ and I knew this was my kind of place.“