Aktuální články |
Novinky: 8. 3. Red Torch - WYGO |
Inkvizice: 31. 5. Dominik Duka |
Nejchytřejší kecy: 11. 2. Laundered Syrup – Black Urn |
Máme tu další recenzi na novou desku E. "There is a saying that too many cooks spoil the broth, but for this recipe, each member takes equal turns, never overpowering each other and creating a balance of noise and warmth. No song is over four and a half minutes, allowing for a concise and masterful blend of loose aggression and technical skill. It is a recipe that has held true for two prior albums, full of melodic guitar lines, Zedek’s unique voice, McCarthy’s powerhouse drumming and Sanford’s musical ingenuity. The album is a powerhouse of honesty, a trait Zedek has been skillfully practicing for years, and she lets us in on her humanity in the closer ´Apiaries Near Me´ via the lyrics ´I'm just trying to hold the tide, to draw the line.´ I hear you. We hear you." Celá recenze TADY.