Aktuální články |
Novinky: 8. 3. Red Torch - WYGO |
Inkvizice: 31. 5. Dominik Duka |
Nejchytřejší kecy: 11. 2. Laundered Syrup – Black Urn |
Koncert Dessy v Underdogs (21. května), kde jako support zahrajou Kabely a krabice (ex - Prodavač!) se blíží. Dessa nedávno posílala newsletter, kde o Praze píše: "I admit I’m particularly sentimental about that city: I’ve often left feeling both chastened and inspired by the artists I met there. The scene seems unusually full of rebels and true believers who’ve willfully sidestepped some of the less savory aspects of the entertainment world and remained committed to making and supporting brave, passionate music. During the Soviet era, Prague was one of the cities with a busy clandestine arts scene—bootlegged banned literature, known as samizdat, was circulated in secret; contraband songs from the West were cut into X-rays to be played on turntables. It’s a hell of a place." Lístky na GoOut TADY, bez příplatku TADY.