Aktuální články |
Novinky: 26. 3. ARAN SATAN + CARS & TRAINS - Nejstarší svět |
Inkvizice: 31. 5. Dominik Duka |
Nejchytřejší kecy: 11. 2. Laundered Syrup – Black Urn |
Velice jsme se těšili na další jistě památný koncert New Model Army v Praze, z tábora kapely ale přišla důležitá zpráva, týkající se zdravotního stavu bubeníka Michaela Deana: „From the very beginning of our Unbroken tour, Michael was playing with a trapped nerve in his left arm. With a mixture of painkillers and iron will, he drove us through gig after great gig throughout the Spring, but by the Summer he also had trapped nerves in his right arm and was in serious pain. So, at the beginning of September, he had a keyhole neck operation to free up the trapped nerves, but unfortunately, this turned out to be a much more complicated and invasive procedure than we were all led to believe, and he is going to need a considerable amount of time to recover. So, with regret, we are suspending all touring for the rest of the year and will reschedule everything already booked into 2025. We will give more details as soon as we can. We appreciate that many of you have made plans around the upcoming concerts, and we’re very sorry for all the inconvenience caused.“
Koncert New Model Army, plánovaný na 16. listopadu 2024 do MeetFactory, se tak přesouvá na podzim 2025. Na novém termínu usilovně pracujeme a bude oznámen v řádu dnů. Zakoupené lístky zůstávají v platnosti – přejeme Michaelovi brzké a úplné uzdravení!