Silver Rocket

Žebříčky 2017 - kabik

Tenhle žebříček poslal(a) kabik.

Song roku

  1. "Call&Well-lit Place" Oxbow
  2. "Illuminant" Quicksand
  3. "A Gentleman’s Gentleman" Oxbow
  4. "Amid Ethics" At The Drive-In

Deska roku

  1. Oxbow - Thin Black Duke
  2. Converge - The Dusk In Us
  3. At The Drive In - Diamanté
  4. Savak - Cut-Ups
  5. Quicksand - Interiors
  6. the EFFECTS - Eyes to the Light
  7. Pinback - Some Offcell Voices
  8. St. Vincent - Masseduction
  9. Counterparts - You're Not You Anymore
  10. Metz - Strange Peace
  11. The New Year - Snow
  12. Propagandhi - Victory Lap
  13. Ulver - The Assassination of Julius Caesar
  14. Spoon - Hot Thoughts
  15. At The Drive-In - in·ter a·li·a

Dostudovaný desky z minulejch let

  1. Rocket From The Crypt - The State Of Art Is On Fire
  2. Lou Reed - The Blue Mask
  3. Blueprint - Blueprint
  4. Johnny Cash - American III: Solitary Man
  5. The Ponys - Laced With Romance

Koncert roku

  1. Daughters
  2. Converge
  3. Spoon
  4. PUP
  5. Har Mar Superstar, Jimmy Eat World, Meat Wave, Meatbodies, Bad Sports

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